Mancano alcuni dati obbligatori o non sono stati inseriti correttamente. Controlla tutti i campi evidenziati in rosso.

Request authorization

The authorization, once approved by the admin, will be valid only for the same day and for the selected yard.


Personal Information

General Information

At least one of the fields emal/phone number should be filled.

Devi compilare almeno uno dei due campi tra email e cellulare.

License Plate

Questo campo รจ obbligatorio.

Photo Identification

You can take a photo of the document or upload an image from your gallery.
Once you've uploaded a photo, it will no longer be possible to replace it from here. You can manage everything later from your personal profile.

Upload a png, jpg, jpe, jpeg, bmp, jfif o svg image.
No connection. Verify your connection and reload image.
Format not supported. Reload image.
Expiration date

Automar Representative

If you are a visitor, you must also indicate who your Automar contact person is: he or she will decide whether to approve the request.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Request sent

We have sent you an email with your credentials that you can use to access the Automar People Platform. Once logged in, you will have an access to the status of your requests.

User already registered

There is already one user registered with the email/phone number indicated by you. Please log into your profile to send a new request.


Request not sent!

We are sorry but due to an error, your request was not sent. Please try again shortly.

Try Again

Confirm Request

Do you confirm that you want to send a request for an authorization for the area of your choice?